Invitation to our AGM

If you care about the environment, and our local heritage, flora, fauna and waterways, then you are welcome to our AGM on Thursday 16th November 2023 at 5.30pm. Enormous thanks to Peel-Harvey Catchment Council for allowing us to meet in their state-of-the art shed at the rear of their premises at 58 Sutton Street, Mandurah

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National Volunteer Week · Appreciation & Awards Ceremony

NEW: Thank you to everyone named below for making this event such a success. MEHG is also very grateful to Danny Willmott, Mel Horton, Joanne Sinker and Giulia Holland for all their help. 👉 View the photos  👉 Read the media coverage 👉 Read the full editorial  👉 See which groups attended 👉 View the presentation (113 slides) 👉 Read the

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How to Install & Monitor Nest Boxes with Simon Cherriman

Come and meet Simon from Re-Cyc-Ology and join the action as the nest boxes built by JTC students get their solar-powered cameras fitted before he secures them in the treetops. This event launches our new project “Nest box building and monitoring of vulnerable wildlife” funded by the City of Mandurah to install next boxes with webcams to

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Meet the Merbears

The Merbear Adventures are aquatic wildlife stories for kids that introduce children of all ages to important environmental messages, including the concept of our rubbish ending up in the oceans, and how this affects marine life. Written by local author Verity Roennfeldt, these beautifully illustrated HARDCOVER books are now available for $150 for the complete

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