An invitation to “The Trillion Trees Challenge”

Special Guest Presentation: We warmly welcome Trillion Trees CEO Dr Sandra Krempl to Mandurah on Tuesday 10th March at 5pm at The Shed, rear of Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, 58 Sutton Street, Mandurah.

There were once six trillion trees on the planet, now there are only three trillion and we’re still losing ten billion trees per year. That leads to a changing climate, a shrinking habitat for wildlife, and harder lives for billions of people. The scale of the problem calls for radical action.

Come along to this free presentation to find out how we can reverse these trends and create a world where forests are expanding, not shrinking. This is essential to delivering on the Paris Agreement to avoid dangerous climate change, to restoring nature and the biodiversity we depend on and to securing a prosperous future for us all.

Book your seat by emailing

Thank you to Peel-Harvey Catchment Council for accommodating us.

Here’s a message from Greta Thunberg:

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