Let’s Keep Wildlife Wild!

Please help us break the deadly habit of feeding birds, and keep our wildlife healthy.
Feeding bread to birds isn’t just bad for the bird, but also for its habitat. When bread sinks into lakes or rivers, it depletes oxygen as it breaks down.
By late summer, low water levels and reduced oxygen create perfect conditions for toxic bacteria to grow.
Clostridium botulinum is one of the most poisonous substances known. When wildlife ingests it, it causes botulism which leads to paralysis and a slow death.

In WA it’s illegal to feed any native fauna without a licence.
Another reason to avoid feeding birds (or any wildlife) is to help keep them truly wild. It’s essential that animals don’t become dependent on humans for food.
When wildlife relies on being fed, they may lose their natural instincts to forage and fend for themselves, impacting their survival and independence.

To learn how you can help keep your local lake healthy and thriving, download Love our Lakes courtesy of the City of Mandurah.

Banner photo courtesy of Dave Catley

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