Samphire Cove Progress Report

The Friends of Samphire Cove Nature Reserve have been maintaining and enhancing this beautiful waterside reserve since 2013. A committed team of hard-working volunteers led by former MEHG Chairman Barry Small, with the support of DBCA, have gradually transformed the reserve from a no-go area covered in weeds to the beautiful Class A* nature reserve it is today.

Barry handed over the reins to Pippa Gauden earlier this year, and the volunteers are going from strength to strength. Here is their September update:

On September 8th Astrid, David, Kasia, Les, Peter, Pippa, Sue, Tim and Vanessa destroyed the mulch pile and got on top of the weeding. A special thanks to Les for bringing 2 wheelbarrows to help us get the job done. Not to mention Astrid’s famous mulching pitchfork! There were many birds around enjoying the reserve showing us that spring is here.

On September 29th Anne, Astrid, Daniela, David, Evelyn, Kasia, Peter, Pippa, Rick, Robert, Sue and Wendy removed an enormous amount of weeds that were taking over last year’s plantings. It was lovely to welcome back many Friends who have been away over the winter.

Thank you to Alan from Parks & Wildlife Mandurah: For installing a camera at the reserve to support us to identify the predators that have recently been entering the reserve and killing many birds. This is obviously of great concern considering the various species that nest and visit the reserve, as well as the many migratory birds that feed there – including of course the critically endangered Far-Eastern Curlew. We look forward to hearing from Alan after his leave as to any activity spotted and the suggested next steps to rectify this situation.

Thank you to the DBCA Volunteer Unit: For informing us of the opportunity for two volunteers to attend a seed collecting course in October. Peter and Pippa will be attending which will no doubt provide valuable knowledge for the Friends to utilise in the years ahead.

Thanks to Astrid: For your beautiful bird photos (examples above) taken at the reserve and for providing regular updates when you walk through the reserve weekly. This is a huge help so we can raise any urgent concerns.

Thank you Robert: For offering to come in and whipper snip the larger areas of grass weeds before they go to seed. This will be a huge help to us when it comes to next year’s weeding, and will support fire prevention as the grass dries in the summer.

Orchids: The Pink Fairy Orchids have now finished flowering, and we are starting to see Onion Orchids preparing to produce flowers. We look forward to seeing the flowers bloom in the coming weeks.

Invasive weeds: Deadly nightshade (Atropa Belladonna) and Pretty Betsy (Centranthus Macrosiphon) have been identified, and removing these invasive species will be a continued focus.

Proposed Boardwalk upgrades: DBCA have advised that the project will encompass consideration of signage upgrades at the reserve and will engage the Friends in this process at the appropriate time.

Bat Box Monitoring: Thank you Robyn and Daniela for your regular checks of the bat boxes.

Bird Boxes: The John Tonkin College Bushranger students are currently repainting these. Barry Small continues to liaise with Barbara Sing at JTC on this project. Thank you all.

Volunteer Recruitment: New volunteers are welcome to join us. Check out the dates of the next working bees or follow us on Facebook. 

*The Class A classification is used to protect areas of high conservation or high community value.

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