Invitation to our AGM

If you care about the environment, and our local heritage, flora, fauna and waterways, then you are welcome to our AGM on Thursday 16th November 2023 at 5.30pm.

Enormous thanks to Peel-Harvey Catchment Council for allowing us to meet in their state-of-the art shed at the rear of their premises at 58 Sutton Street, Mandurah 6210. Light refreshments provided. BYO keep-cup if possible.

We will be reporting on our achievements during the last year, electing a new committee and looking forward to another successful year. As always, we have some very ambitious plans, and need a good team to help us make a difference in this meeting place of the heart, our Mandjoogoordap.


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

Minutes of the last AGM

Annual Report:

Mandurah Nature Trails, Environmental Hub, Heritage & Assets
MEHG Chairman Jacob Cumberworth will talk about MEHG’s ambitious project to plant and maintain up to 1,000 trees to provide wildlife corridors and to create shaded walking and cycling trails. He’ll also provide updates about:
👉 Our vision for an Environmental Hub in Mandurah;
👉 Promoting the Mandurah Heritage Trail;
👉 Introducing our new Asset Borrowing Facility.

MEHG Vice Chair and aquatic scientist Ben Roennfeldt will report on the health of our waterways, and on the following projects: Friends of Rivers, Peel / Canoe Trail Friends of Mandurah & Pinjarra.

Friends of Samphire Cove
Samphire Cove Nature Reserve volunteer Pippa Gauden will provide an update about the cove.

Bouvard Coast Care Group
Mel Horton will explain why BCCG decided to join MEHG, and how the process went for the group.

Volunteer Recruitment & Recognition
Mel Horton will provide a volunteer update and will report on the success of our Volunteer Recognition Ceremony in May.

Members, Funders, Supporters & Partnerships
This has been a bumper year for collaborating with others. Video: Thank you to the John Tonkin College Bush Rangers.

Dudley Dolphin
MEHG Treasurer Barbara Sing will report on Dudley Dolphin’s activities in the community.

Treasurer’s Report

Committee Elections

General Business

Local Environment & Heritage
Achievements, threats and opportunities, and how you can get involved.

Special Recognition Award
Recognising Colin Elton, founder of Friends of Rivers, Peel (FoR Peel) and champion of the waterways.

Video: The Beauty of the Peel Estuary and Rivers
Composed and presented by Lisa Wray.

RSVP: We need to know numbers in advance so please contact us to let us know whether or not you’re coming.

MEHG members, supporters and would-be members are invited. Not a member yet? Join MEHG or renew your membership. You will also be able to pay for membership at the AGM (cash or card).

Nominate for the committee

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