WA bans most single-use-plastics

It’s a Happy New Year for those of us who have been campaigning for years to stem the use of single-use-plastic. Nine items are now banned with a 6-month phase-out period: single-use plastic bowls, cups for cold beverages and hot foods, plates, cutlery, stirrers, straws, expanded polystyrene food containers, thick plastic bags and helium balloon releases.

You can help to lead the way by:

Taking your own clean container to restaurants
Try scraping your leftovers directly into the container yourself, eliminating any hygiene concerns. Some takeaway restaurants will also allow you to bring in your own containers (to fill with your takeaway on arrival) but call ahead and ask first.

Keeping a takeaway pack in your bag or car
Complete with reusable cutlery, bag, straw, cup, plate and bowl, you will never be caught out at food trucks again!

Party decorations
For your next birthday or milestone celebration, opt for homemade or reusable decorations like bunting.

Sashay away from sachets
Whether it’s mini coffee, mini soy sauce, mini shampoo, individually-wrapped sweets or sample packs, walk away and don’t look back!Local businesses can also lead the way in encouraging their customers to BYO food containers and to push their suppliers to reduce plastic packaging. Find out more.

Article courtesy of Switch Your Thinking.

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