World Environment Day 2020

The theme for World Environment Day 2020 is Time for Nature with a focus on its role in providing the essential infrastructure that supports life on Earth and human development.

Mandurah Environment & Heritage Group committee member Merrilee Baker believes that many people took the opportunity to connect with nature during the Covid-19 restrictions, and she hopes that our community will continue to concentrate on the environment going forward.
“There is a need for Mandurah/Peel to focus on the environment in the post-Covid recovery,” explained Merrilee.
“More businesses and organisations can and should work collaboratively with the City of Mandurah towards a more sustainable future.”

Mandurah Environment & Heritage Group President Barry Small is also pleased that the restrictions have eased so that The Friends of Samphire Cove can continue with their plans to revegetate this unique A Class Nature Reserve.
“We are looking forward to our big planting day on Sunday 28th June,” said Barry.
“We visit the cove on a monthly basis to manage and improve this reserve, and we offer a warm welcome to any new volunteers who might like to join us.”

World Environment Day is on 5th June and World Oceans Day is on 8th June.

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