News from Samphire Cove

With the loss of more and more local habitat, Samphire Cove Nature Reserve is taking on an even more important role as a wildlife refuge, but unfortunately a cat has managed to find its way into the reserve. We believe that this cat is feral and we have reported it to Parks & Wildlife to protect the native wildlife there, including the quenda recently seen in the reserve (see photo below).

LATEST:  For updates about this story please read the comments on our Facebook post.

Samphire Cove remains open to visitors, but please take care to close the gate when you go in and out. If you spot a hole in the fence or a “cat bridge” caused by a fallen tree/branch, please contact us immediately.

If you visit the reserve to exercise whilst social distancing is in force and you notice any illegal or suspicious behaviour – such as the gathering of people in bird hides – you can phone Mandurah Police on 9581 0222.

We thank those Friends of Samphire Cove who are continuing to visit the reserve on a solitary basis as part of their exercise regime.

Quenda (southern brown bandicoot). Photo taken by Astrid at Samphire Cove Nature Reserve.

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