The Friends of Samphire Cove Nature Reserve were delighted to accept a trolley full of PVC pipes from Bunnings Warehouse on 17th September.
“They will be used to water our new plantings at the Nature Reserve” explained Volunteer Revegetation Coordinator Clive Petrie.
“We will cut them in half at a 45 degree angle and install them into the ground adjacent to our new plants. We will then water the plants via the pipes through the drier months to give them the best chance of survival.”
Bunnings Halls Head Activities Organiser Laura McNeill said that she was pleased to help the Friends’ efforts in maintaining this nearby A Class Nature Reserve on the corner of Egret Point and Wedgetail Retreat.
NEW: Bunnings Halls Head have kindly donated more pipes, some fertiliser and also some extra pavers so that the John Tonkin College students can produce more of their lovely artwork for the reserve. Thank you Bunnings, Laura and team. We and the local community are very grateful.