Call for federal assessment of Alcoa’s mining plans at O’Neil

URGENT – Alcoa are threatening to clear 1,800ha in the Northern Jarrah Forests between Dwellingup and Jarrahdale at O’Neil – part of their Huntly operations.
This area is home to Quokkas, Woylies, Numbats, Chuditch, Black Cockatoos and more endangered species that depend on their remaining habitat to survive.
To protect the Northern Jarrah Forests we must all call for the O’Neil plans to be assessed as a ‘controlled action’, and the chance closes on 9th December 2024.

Here’s How

  1. Visit the EPBC Public Portal
  2. Click on “Make Comment”
  3. Enter title: Huntly/O’Neil Mine Controlled Action
  4. Enter your name and email address
  5. Answer YES to “do you consider this a controlled action?”
  6. Enter reasons:
    By clearing habitat, the mining will directly impact 5 threatened fauna species (Baudin, Carnaby’s and Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoos, Quokka, and Chuditch) and another 2 indirectly (Woylie and Numbat).
    O’Neil is within the catchment of the Peel Inlet that is part of the Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar wetlands of international importance.
  7. Answer the remaining questions and submit. Wording and header image courtesy of WA Forest Alliance.

MEHG’s Review of the Environmental Aspects of Alcoa’s Myara-Huntly Mining & Management Program (8 August 2024)
In response to a request from Alcoa earlier this year, MEHG engaged with Alcoa with regard to their proposed updates to the Myara-Huntly Draft 2025 – 2029 Mining and Management Program (MMP) ahead of Alcoa submitting the MMP to the State Government for review and approval.
MEHG agreed to provide feedback on whether Alcoa’s MMP clearly and adequately sets out how Alcoa will identify, minimise and manage potential environmental and social impacts. Read more.


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