Mandurah Environment & Heritage Group

MEHG is an incorporated association and registered charity run by a group of volunteers who care for our natural and built heritage here in Western Australia

• Help conserve the uniqueness and richness of the fauna, flora, heritage and waterways of Mandurah and its surroundings;
• Provide activities, education, recreation and opportunities for everyone in the community to enjoy and respect our environment.

The third Thursday of the month at 5.00pm in “The Shed” rear of Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, 58 Sutton Street, Mandurah 6210. Everyone Welcome!

View our Calendar of Free Activities

Donate your Containers for Change earnings by quoting our BCCG member number C10420410

Meet our Ambassador

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How/when/why we came to be

The Mandurah Environment and Heritage Group was set up in conjunction with the City of Mandurah’s Community Development Team in April 2012 following a Mapping Our Community Heritage and Environment Event where we:

  • Informed a long-term plan for future community facilities;
  • Developed strategies to help our field and our community to flourish;
  • Explored the strengths and challenges facing our field in regards to: People, Assets and Infrastructure, Funding, Systems and Processes;
  • Shared ideas, opportunities and networks.

Following this successful event, the Community Development Team acknowledged the strong feelings in the community about protecting our local natural and built heritage which are considered Mandurah’s best assets. The team not only encouraged the formation of our group, but pledged to support us in our aims to share information about events and the issues affecting our community and to discuss how we can get involved, raise awareness and have a positive effect on what we value in and around Mandurah. We are proud that our ideas were incorporated into the City of Mandurah’s 20 Year Strategic Community Plan.